Unique Features of SPH

Some of the unique features of School of Pharmacy are outlined below:

OBE: Problem-based learning

School of pharmacy is pleased to implement outcome-based education (OBE ) system in university of management and technology UMT. OBE is an approach to education that projected learning outcomes of student over the traditional education system. OBE system emphasizes on the student knowledge, skills, and attitude that student should be able to deliver upon completing their Programme or degree. This system centered around the needs of the students.

OBE system comprises of 

  1. Programme educational objectives (PEO)
  2. Programme learning outcomes (PLOs)
  3. Course learning outcomes (CLOS)

School of pharmacy has designed PEO, CLOs, and PLOs of all subjects and mentioned on the student LMS

SBL: Simulation-based learning

Simulation-based teaching offers a practical and viable alternative to pharmacy students to help them develop their dispensing and patient counselling skills. The School of Pharmacy would introduce simulation-based teaching using MyDispense (a virtual pharmacy learning tool) in Pharmacy Practice (Dispensing Pharmacy) in order to provide students a safe learning environment where they can learn and apply their basic skills in responding to complex, stressful and high-risk situations without the fear of making an error. Staff would be able to use the web application to teach the students the importance of understanding various medicinal products, different patient details and their associated facts such as past medical history, social history, allergies.

Interprofessionl Education: Students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes. The school of pharmacy in collaboration with the school of Health Sciences (Nutrition and DPT) would organise sessions where pharmacy students would be given the opportunity to work with other healthcare students with the common goal of providing quality healthcare to patients and community.


Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE): OSCE is an assessment method that is based on objective testing and direct observation of student performance during planned (clinical) encounters. It is precise, objective, and reproducible allowing uniform testing of students for a wide range of (clinical) skills. An OSCE usually consists of several simulated stations with students rotating in a round-robin format until all stations have been attempted. At each station, candidates are assessed and marked against standardised scoring rubrics by trained assessors. Within these simulated clinical situations commonly referred to as stations, students are expected to perform a clinical task or manage a Standardised or Simulated Patient (SP) within a defined amount of time. The school of pharmacy would use OSCE as an assessment strategy to help students develop various competencies including:

  • Communication skills
  • Interpretation of lab data
  • Patient history taking
  • Linking basic science to clinical skills
  • Addressing ethical and moral issues
  • Providing information to patients/counselling skills

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