Faculty Profile

Asma Fehar


School of Pharmacy

 : [email protected]     : 03334521331   

Pharmacist with a strong academic background: PharmD (2011), MPhil in Pharmacognosy (2019), and currently pursuing PhD in Pharmacognosy from Karachi University (enrolled in 2019). Extensive teaching experience: - Research Scholar, Punjab University - Visiting Lecturer, Punjab University - Permanent Lecturer, Rashid Latif Medical Complex (2019-2022) - Lecturer, Green International University (2022-2023) - Lecturer, UMT (since December 2023) Committed to education and research in pharmacognosy, with a passion for teaching and mentoring students.

Name of Organization Designation Start Date End Date
University of Management and technology (UMT) Lecturer 30-11-2023 Present
Publication Type Title Journal Name Impact Factor Year of Publication
International Publications with impact factor (less than 2.0) / JCR / SJR Evaluation of in-vivo Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Mentha spicata and Capsicum annum leaves in albino rats Bioscience Research 0.737 2022
International Publications with impact factor (less than 2.0) / JCR / SJR In vitro phytochemical and anticancer activity of Misopates orontium L. and Dicliptera bupleuroides Nees Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.800 2021
International Publications with impact factor (less than 2.0) / JCR / SJR Novel corona virus disease (COVID-19): An updated review on epidemiology, pathogenicity, clinical course, treatments, migrant health concerns and risk factors predictions Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.800 2021
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) ANTI-BACTERIAL EVALUATION OF HERBS AND FORMULATIONS world journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 7.670 2021
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) SOLID AS SOLVENT”- NOVEL SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC TECHNIQUE FOR QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF TABLETS OF PIROXICAM USING A CO-MELT OF RESORCINOL AND DIMETHYL UREA AS ECO-FRIENDLY … world journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 7.670 2021
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) HEPATOPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF SolanumnigrumLEAVE DIETHYL ETHER EXTRACT ON LIVER CCl4 TOXICITY in Pakistan journel of pharmacy University of the Punjab LAHORE. journal of pharmacy punjab university lahore 0.000 2017
Degree Name & Area Year University City,Country
MPhil Pharmacognosy University of Punjab Pakistan
Doctor of Pharmacy University of Punjab Pakistan
Position Start Date End Date
Regulatory Officer 03-01-2011 12-07-2015
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